SEO Search Engine Optimiztation

The Three phases to Search Engine Optimization:

Planning and Preparation

The title is self explanatory this all about what you do prior to building your web site, in essence this should be a practice that all web designers take whether they are looking towards SEO properties or just simply designing a page. Unfortunately some of them don't whilst using proprietary design tools they get lost in the visual aspect and loose the main reason a site is being created. There are two steps to consider during this phase that will give any site a sound base for development; Phrases that Pay and Courting the Crawl.

The SEO Campaign

Although the first phase is a requirement for SEO designed pages the second phase can be taken up as a whole or in sections dependant on time and money. This phase is the largest of the three and is divided into four steps; Priming your Pages, Landing the Links, Paying for Position and Making a Map.

Ongoing Maintenance

The final phase might seem like common sense but some people consider it the most important, it only has one step in it but after you have been through the previous phases it is essential to carry out this part. The final step is; Tracking and Tuning, this area is essential because you have put time, money and effort into your web site so like any business proposition you need to watch, learn and tweak to get the best results.

We do not guarantee number 1 or top 10 ranking placements, although we can achieve them. To make such claims are foolhardy because SEO technology is not an exact science, the technology changes constantly and it depends on your target market.

For more information Please Contact us either by E-mail or Telephone

The Woodridge Company - IT Solutions

The Woodridge Company

78, Mushroom Green
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DY2 0EE. United Kingdom.

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